What kind of CV makes an employer get a candidate in for interview?
The Kiwi CV is designed for the NZ market!
Some CV services use flashy templates - we agree that they can look good, but to ensure that our CVs are at the cutting edge for the NZ market today, we met with the leading New Zealand company that advises large corporate and Government organisations on best current practice for CV presentation and designed some original Kiwi CV templates from their recommendations. Our CV formats are Employer Approved, both in appearance and content. Recruiters today receive multiple CVs and you will stand out with a specialist document that is well set out, easy to read and demonstrates you can meet their needs.
One of our NZ designed CV formats
How the Kiwi CV should look today: In a nutshell, the Kiwi CV today is classic, streamlined and classy - it should not have photos, graphics, large fonts, or bright colours. It is more conservative than over the top and should be a synopsis, not an exposition! Short and succinct is in, long and wordy is out. Cover pages are now obsolete. The content of your new CV will be completely unique and individual to you - we don't use a "one size fits all" approach with writing our CVs. Your new CV will be created in a way that will be most effective in the NZ market and specific to your vocation.
We have also met extensively with leading New Zealand employers from multiple disciplines - QC Barristers, Employment Agencies, CEOs and Business Consultants - they categorically inform us that a CV should not only look professional, but the content needs to show that the candidate can meet their recruiting needs. They inform us that the reason a lot of CVs are not effective, is ease of access to information they are initially looking for and distracting graphics.
Design and content are a winning combination. How a CV is worded is as important as its appearance - you may be able to copy a good CV template from the internet, but what to say, how much to say and how to say it, is what our professional CV Writers specialise in. The content of a CV, as much as its appearance, is what is winning or losing people interviews. Should you tell the employer what your interests are? How long should the CV be? How far back in your history should you go? What font shouldn't you use in today's CVs? We know all these things and can help you avoid the mistakes that other people are making that are costing them interviews. We focus as much on the content of your CV as on its appearance.
If a CV tells an employer something about a person, what does yours tell them? Does it show you are a professional? The New Zealand employer today is a professional business person, and if you want them to take your CV seriously, it also needs to be professional. Most employers require your CV to be submitted by email, so the service we offer is to produce and email you a professionally presented, affordable CV quickly and requiring minimal effort on your part. There are many factors that come into play when applying for a job - the other people who are competing for the position, our experience, our CV and cover letter, how we fare at interview. Our goal at CVExpress is to endeavour to help put the balance of these factors in your favour as much as we can.
A well presented cover letter is just as important as your CV - it can determine whether or not an employer will want to consider your CV. With each CV ordered we include an option for a low cost professional cover letter that can be targeted to a specific position - just email us the link or job advertisement. Our Business Consultant advises: "A good CV and cover letter will get you an interview; how well you do at interview gets you the job." So, with each completed CV we also include FREE:
How to Build an Effective LinkedIn Profile - LinkedIn is a tool that should not be underestimated for the serious job hunter and we show you how to best use it to your advantage
Information sheets containing skills, tips and essentials for undergoing interviews with employers, to help you at this vital stage of the process, including the top 25 reasons NZ employers rejected job applicants at the interview stage (from a survey carried out among 200 employers) and the interview question that could win you the job
An information sheet on Choosing Your Referees - who you use can make a difference to your success
An example of a Resignation Letter - it is important to leave a job well, regardless of your reason for leaving
Our Guarantee
We specialise in writing CVs designed for the NZ marketplace and keep current with the recommendations of industry leaders for CV presentation. We provide ongoing support and customer satisfaction is our main priority. Contact us today for a fast, easy, low cost solution to your Curriculum Vitae needs.